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3 Common Garage Door Problems to Look Out For

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3 Common Garage Door Problems to Look Out For

Garage Door Problems to Look Out For | Garage Door Repair Bridgeport, CT

Garages are functional extensions of your home which provide an avenue to the great outdoors. They are used for storing valuable items, yet are often neglected. Your garage door is the main barrier in question, but how often do you check it for problems?

Most people don’t look too much into the working condition of their garage door, despite understanding its importance. It’s often taken advantage of until it stops functioning, at which time it’s costly to repair. Though a good door will give years of successful operation without problems, there comes a time where something isn’t quite right, so you have to be vigilant. But what problems do you need to look out? Read on to find out.

  1. My Door Won’t Open Properly!

    This is a sign it might be jammed, or perhaps there is an obstruction. Check around the inside and outside of your door, because the problem could potentially be resolved by simply removing a small stone or piece of gravel. The door should be fully free from obstruction, but if it is and there are still issues, call a professional for help.
  2. Is It Me, Or Are The Tracks Getting a Bit Stiff?

    If your door feels unusually difficult to open and close, there could be an issue with the tracks and rollers. These can impair operations, so clean the tracks regularly so the door can glide across the rollers effectively. Extra lubrication can help things along, and it’s important to check for signs of damage. If your tracks or rollers are damaged, they should be repaired or replaced immediately. This is where a professional can leverage years of experience.
  3. Why Does it Refuse to Stay Open!

    This suggests there’s a problem with the springs, whether extension or torsion. If the springs lose tension, they won’t be able to support the door properly. This is a serious issue that requires specialist help. Your springs will either need to be adjusted, repaired, or replaced. Given the sheer weight of your garage door, and force coiled within your springs, attending to this issue yourself is ill-advised. With this being said, don’t hesitate to call on the experts for this one!

Garage doors are essential, which is why identifying potential issues is a necessity. Now you know what problems to look out for, but if you have any further questions, please contact our team of experts for help!


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